Contact Us

It all starts with a conversation...

Auckland Office

Level 9,  HSBC Tower
188 Quay Street,
Auckland 1010.

Postal address
PO Box 4099
Shortland Street
Auckland 1140.

Office hours    8:30am - 5:00pm

DX CP21506

Client parking

We have carparking available if you have a meeting at our office, on a first-come, first-serve basis. You will find 'McVeagh Fleming' labeled car parks for you to use in the car park in front of the South Tower entrance.

Building access

The entrance to the office is accessed from the lobby of the HSBC building. Go to the lobby located on Level 4. Find one of the small screens around the elevator area and select 'McVeagh Fleming L9', this will tell you which elevator to enter. When you exit the elevator at level 9, you will find the signs to the reception.

Get in touch

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