Make a payment

We are pleased to offer a range of invoice payment options, including secure online payment.
  • Internet banking

    McVeagh Fleming – Bank account No: 12-3057-0747037-00
    Please include your 'REFERENCE' code found on your invoice/statement. REFERENCE: XXXXXXX

  • Credit Card

    Please include your reference number, found on your invoice or statement, when making payment. Be advised that all credit card transactions incur a 2.25% surcharge.


Read frequently asked questions about online payment.

How do credit card payments work?
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McVeagh Fleming credit card payments are processed using a secure and encrypted payment page with Paystation. When you select to make a payment, you will be directed to the Paystation secure hosted page where you will enter your card details. Once payment is complete you will be returned back to our website.

Are online credit card payments to McVeagh Fleming safe?
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Paystation is a PCI DSS Level 1 Service Provider. This means they submit to the highest standards of securing credit card data.

Do you use a trusted payment system?
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Paystation are an official payment gateway provider for ANZ, ASB, BNZ, Kiwibank and Westpac merchants in New Zealand. This means that Paystation is approved by our bank to process payments with you our customer.

Why is there a surcharge on credit card payments?
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All credit card transactions now incur a 2.25% surcharge. This adjustment is necessary to help cover the costs associated with processing credit card payments, and is facilitated by our payment providers. The surcharge allows us to cover reasonable business expenses related to payment processing costs. We appreciate your understanding.

What card and payment types are supported?
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Mastercard, Visa, American Express, Q Card, POLi