Business transactions require a proactive approach. The Commercial Litigation team at McVeagh Fleming has a vast amount of experience and expertise in commercial disputes, including claims in contract and tort.

Business, Lease and Contracts Disputes Lawyers

The Commercial Litigation team at McVeagh Fleming has a vast amount of experience and expertise in commercial disputes, including claims in contract and tort. Whether you have become involved in a relatively straightforward legal dispute or if a more complex issue arises, we believe it is of the utmost importance to obtain all necessary facts, understand the client’s objectives and apply careful analytical skills to achieve the best outcome for the client. We will provide honest and realistic advice that will assist in remedying the legal dispute efficiently.

Commercial Contract Disputes

Business transactions require a proactive approach. At McVeagh Fleming it’s our priority to provide cost-effective, timely strategies to protect your contractual rights. Our team of experts have extensive experience across all industries, and will work closely with you to plan and implement the most appropriate legal strategy to meet your objectives. We’re committed to reducing risk, and specialise in negotiation and arbitration, but if litigation is required we’re fully equipped to represent you in any court or tribunal.

Recent Insights

April 2024

Beyond Paper: the Power of Implied Agreements

In business, contracts are the backbone of agreements, ensuring clarity and accountability. But what happens when a contract isn't written down? The case of Kingsbeer Transport Ltd v Martin Brower New Zealand sheds light on this question, revealing important insights for business owners.
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August 2023

The Exercise of Contractual Discretion

Woolley v Fonterra Co-Operative Group Ltd: The Exercise of Contractual Discretion‍On 29 June 2023, the New Zealand Court of Appeal delivered its judgment in the case of Woolley v Fonterra Co-Operative Group Ltd [2023] NZCA 266. In its judgment, the Court considered the approach to the exercise of contractual discretion in New Zealand, including the test adopted by the United Kingdom Supreme Court in Braganza v BP Shipping Ltd [2015] UKSC 17, [2015] 1 WLR 1661. A summary of the key facts of the matter and important points in the Court's decision follow.
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October 2022

Mergers and Acquisitions can give your company a competitive advantage, but when is it the right move?

Mergers and acquisitions ("M&A") are often used as critical methods for expansion. Some companies may plan successful M&A strategies such as using good economic times to strengthen their finances (paying down debt and accumulating cash reserves), and when a recession or slowdown comes, buying at low valuations.
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