![Changes to Protection Orders From 1 July 2019]()
Changes to Protection Orders From 1 July 2019
June 28, 2019
From 1 July 2019, changes are being made to all Protection Orders, including those made before this date. The Family Violence Act 2018 repeals and replaces the Domestic Violence Act 1995 and modifies the Care of Children Act 2004 as part of ongoing efforts to tackle domestic violence issues in New Zealand with the aim of providing faster, more effective protection for protected persons and increasing accountability and compliance by respondents.
Read more![Wills]()
December 18, 2018
Planning Ahead: Need to make a Will even if you don't think you do?" But I don't have any assets yet" is a common response when making a Will is suggested to twenty-somethings. There is a misconception, among young people in particular, that in order to make a Will, you should have already built up a sizeable asset base. While you may not own a home or have a large un-cracked nest egg, you will almost certainly have a number of assets to protect, including:
Read more![More Than a Stork Drop - Adopting a Child in New Zealand]()
More Than a Stork Drop - Adopting a Child in New Zealand
December 18, 2018
If you, or someone you know, are hoping to adopt a bundle of joy into the family, there is, of course, more to the process than a fly-by stork drop. The Adoption Act 1955 sets out each step to becoming an adopted child's legal guardian.
Read more![Changes to Enduring Powers of Attorney]()
Changes to Enduring Powers of Attorney
March 8, 2017
On 16 March 2017 changes to the Protection of Personal Property Rights Act 1988 come into effect. Some of these changes affect how Enduring Powers of Attorney ("EPOA") are made, and others affect how they operate. If you have any unsigned EPOAs drafted and they are not fully executed by this date, they will be invalid and will need re-drafting. EPOAs fully executed prior to 16 March 2017 remain valid. Please urgently contact us if you wish to finalise documents prior to 16 March 2017.
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