Seventh Edition Deed of Lease: Key updates
Monday, December 16, 2024
If you work in the commercial property sector - involving retail shops, office buildings, industrial facilities, or hospitality venues - you’ll want to know about the latest updates to the ADLS Deed of Lease ('DOL'). Released on 27 November 2024, the Seventh Edition introduces significant changes to reflect the evolving commercial landscape of the past decade.
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Earthquake-prone buildings: Are you on shaky ground?
Wednesday, March 6, 2024
The introduction of the Building (Earthquake-prone Buildings) Amendment Act 2016 introduced major changes to how earthquake-prone buildings are identified and managed under the Building Act 2004. If you are looking to lease or buy then investigate if the new rules might impact the property you are looking at. If the property does fall under the new rules, then you need to make yourself aware of how this could impact a lease or your investment.
Read more![Proposed Changes to the Property Law Act 2007 - Mandatory Rent Reduction For All Commercial Leases During Lockdown]()
Proposed Changes to the Property Law Act 2007 - Mandatory Rent Reduction For All Commercial Leases During Lockdown
Thursday, October 28, 2021
The Government has moved very fast to make significant changes to the law around commercial leases. The proposed changes would allow all commercial tenants, including business owners of all sizes, whether or not they have suffered material financial losses, a rent reduction for the period of 'no access' to their premises as a result of the current Covid-19 lockdown.
Read more![Are You Sure You Want To Give That Warranty?]()
Are You Sure You Want To Give That Warranty?
Tuesday, September 7, 2021
When you are selling a property it is common to list the 'Chattels' which you are to be selling with the building. Chattels are items which are able to be removed from a property without too much effort, and which were never intended to permanently form part of the structure. Common examples are an oven, paintings or a fridge. Occasionally they can be large eg a spa pool or garden shed. If it can fit on a truck, it may well be a chattel.
Read more![High Court Finds Level 4 'Lockdown' Unlawful for First Nine Days, Considers Lawfulness of Non-Essential Business Closures]()
High Court Finds Level 4 'Lockdown' Unlawful for First Nine Days, Considers Lawfulness of Non-Essential Business Closures
Tuesday, September 15, 2020
The High Court has found that the Government's announcement of an Alert Level 4 'Lockdown' for four weeks from 26 March 2020 in response to the Covid-19 pandemic was unlawful and potentially unenforceable for the first nine days (Borrowdale v Director-General of Health [2020] NZHC 2090). The Court also reviewed the closure of all non-essential businesses, which is significant for business owners hoping to file civil liability claims for lost revenue during this period.
Read more![Leasing in a Post-Pandemic World]()
Leasing in a Post-Pandemic World
Tuesday, April 14, 2020
A New Normal - The impacts of the Covid-19 virus have been felt the world over and have pushed businesses to their limits. Parties on each side of a lease have been left with the job of negotiating through untested and uncertain lease clauses in a time where the support being offered by Government has been unclear and anyone who did hold insurance is discovering that 'pandemics' and 'infectious diseases' are a common policy exemption.
Read more![Construction, Builders, NZS3910 Building Contracts and Covid-19]()
Construction, Builders, NZS3910 Building Contracts and Covid-19
Monday, March 30, 2020
At a press release on 24 March 2020 at 1.00 pm a spokesperson for the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) said: "If you are in doubt whether you are an essential service, you're probably not".
Read more![Leases in the Time of Covid-19]()
Leases in the Time of Covid-19
Friday, March 27, 2020
We have been fielding an unprecedented (but understandable) number of queries from both tenant and landlord clients wanting to understand the legal position in respect of either termination of commercial leases, and obligations in respect of rental/outgoings payments.
Read more![Thinking of Buying a Commercial Property?]()
Thinking of Buying a Commercial Property?
Friday, January 19, 2018
Consider these five tips before entering into an agreement.
Read more![Protecting Commercial Landlords From Tenancy Default]()
Protecting Commercial Landlords From Tenancy Default
Friday, May 12, 2017
Unfortunately situations where Tenants are unable to pay rent on their leased commercial premises happens all too often. As a commercial property Landlord, knowing your rights and what to do if this situation arises will help minimise your losses.
Read more![Know Your Business - Things You Should Think About Before the Sale]()
Know Your Business - Things You Should Think About Before the Sale
Thursday, November 7, 2013
When it comes to a business sale you need to "know your business". It is far too easy for assumptions to be made that are not incorporated in thesale agreement itself. In this article, we comment briefly on some of the things you should think about before seeing an agent or putting pento paper.
Read more![Commercial Property Due Diligence Issues]()
Commercial Property Due Diligence Issues
Monday, February 25, 2013
Purchasers of commercial property should undertake an exhaustive review of each potential purchase before declaring an agreement unconditional. This review should be undertaken in consultation with your lawyer, accountant, property manager, building inspector, lender, and otherwise as appropriate.
Read more![Matters To Consider Before You Sign An Agreement To Lease]()
Matters To Consider Before You Sign An Agreement To Lease
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
The leasing market is ever changing. Many would argue the current economy to favour tenants – there are a myriad of vacant properties currently available,and a definite lack of (quality) prospective tenants available. Many tenants are looking to down size, if not liquidate, leaving landlords ("LLs")in the unenviable position of being forced to consider short term and stop gap solutions for their own cash flow purposes. Enter the commercialreal estate agent, armed with an agreement to lease ("ATL") .... but beware, both LL and tenant, once signed the ATL will legally bind you tothe terms specified and your lawyer will be unlikely to be able to re negotiate your lease. It is important – if not critical – therefore, thatboth sides fully consider the ATL in detail before signing such. A few key considerations are as follows:
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