
What's hiding in the Terms of Trade? A Customer Perspective on GSAs

What's hiding in the Terms of Trade? A Customer Perspective on GSAs

Written by:
Hamish Coupe
When entering relationships with new suppliers, it’s essential to carefully review the terms of trade, especially if they include a General Security Agreement (GSA). While a GSA can offer credit benefits, it also carries significant risks, potentially leading to receivership if payment issues arise. Understanding these terms is crucial to protecting your business.
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Small Business Contracts and Unfair Terms - It's Time to Review Your Contracts!

Small Business Contracts and Unfair Terms - It's Time to Review Your Contracts!

Written by:
Andrew Knight
The Fair Trading Amendment Act 2021 ("Amendment Act") has made recent amendments of the Fair Trading Act 1986 with some terms being extended to small business contracts that will come into force on 16 August 2022.
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Business Debt Hibernation - or Buying Time to Calm the Wolves at the Door

Business Debt Hibernation - or Buying Time to Calm the Wolves at the Door

Written by:
Craig Andrews
Introduction - This article highlights an important but little-noticed piece of New Zealand legislation hurriedly prepared and enacted in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. The Business Debt Hibernation scheme was created to help companies, partnerships, trusts, or incorporated societies established before 3 April 2020 to cope with and manage certain existing debts where those entities are unable to immediately pay those debts due to the impact of Covid-19, but where their prospects of payment in the future are much better.
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Obtaining an Enforceable Guarantee

Obtaining an Enforceable Guarantee

Written by:
Andrew Knight
There are many circumstances where businesses might give credit – even without formally doing so. Providing goods or performing services in advance of full payment is extremely common, but if a company or sole trader you are dealing with has financial problems or a poor credit history, then you may not get paid.
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Electronic Signing of Contracts

Electronic Signing of Contracts

Written by:
Andrew Knight
Part 4 of the Contracts and Commercial Law Act 2017 ("CCLA") provides that, with some few exceptions, where a signature is required by law (including to conclude a contract) you can sign that document electronically provided certain conditions are met. An electronic signature is defined in the CCLA as a method used to identify a person and to indicate that person's approval of that information.
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Enactment of Partnership Law Act 2019

Enactment of Partnership Law Act 2019

Written by:
Craig Andrews
The Partnership Law Bill was introduced to Parliament in May 2019 as a revision bill, subject to the revision powers set out in s 31 of the Legislation Act 2012. Therefore the 2019 Act does not make any substantive policy changes. Nevertheless, re-enactment of the 111 years old Partnership Act 1908 in contemporary language, style and format is intended to make the law more accessible, clarify Parliament's intent, and reconcile inconsistencies within the old Act.
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Mainzeal: Reckless Trading

Mainzeal: Reckless Trading

Written by:
Andrew Knight
In Mainzeal1 the former directors were held liable for a breach of section 135 of the Act. Richard Yan, (who was the founder and main shareholder of Mainzeal's parent company, Richina Pacific) was ordered to pay compensation of $36M. Each of the other directors (Shipley, Tilby and Gomm) were held liable to contribute $6M each towards that $36M.
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If Technology is Your Business, Protect It

If Technology is Your Business, Protect It

Written by:
Andrew Knight
Many modern businesses consist primarily of technology in the form of intellectual property. Although they may own physical assets and employ staff (though they are more likely to be engaged as contractors) the real value in the business sits almost wholly in the intellectual property developed.
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Companies Act 1993 - ''Indoor Management''

Companies Act 1993 - ''Indoor Management''

Written by:
Andrew Knight
A recent Court of Appeal decision (Autumn Tree(1)) makes it clear that where a company enters a contract and only one director signs it:
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Section 131: Duty of Directors to Act in Good Faith and in Best Interests of Company

Section 131: Duty of Directors to Act in Good Faith and in Best Interests of Company

Written by:
Andrew Knight
In accordance with Section 131 of the Companies Act 1993 ("Act"), directors have a duty to act in good faith and in what they genuinely believe to be the best interests of the company. While it may be expected that directors should always behave in such a manner, and not place their personal interests ahead of the company's, various judgments have explored the extent of this duty and provided more information about the considerations director should take account of when exercising their powers.
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Company Law Case Summary: Mike Pero Mortgages Limited v Mike Pero [2016] NZHC 3185 per Katz J

Company Law Case Summary: Mike Pero Mortgages Limited v Mike Pero [2016] NZHC 3185 per Katz J

Written by:
Andrew Knight
Mike Pero was the sole director of MPRE Limited and its wholly owned subsidiary MP Real Estate Limited (the MPRE Companies), companies described in the decision as a joint venture between a company ultimately owned by Mike Pero that held a 50% stake and MP Mortgages Limited which held the other 50% stake.
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Directors' Duties - What Directors Need to Know

Directors' Duties - What Directors Need to Know

Written by:
Andrew Knight
In New Zealand, there are few prohibitions on who can become a director of a company, and no real qualification requirements. This means that some people become directors without actually understanding what their role requires. This can result in a company not being managed and governed as required by the Companies Act 1993 ("Act"), which in turn can lead to a breach of duty, which can have very serious consequences, up to and including personal liability for company debts or even criminal sanctions in the worst of cases.
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Section 135 of the Companies Act - Reckless Trading:

Section 135 of the Companies Act - Reckless Trading:

Written by:
Andrew Knight
Non-Executive or Passive Directors and Directors' Duties: The Courts Take no Excuses for a "Hands Off" Approach
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Terms of Trade - An Essential Part of Your Business

Terms of Trade - An Essential Part of Your Business

Written by:
Andrew Knight
Companies that provide goods or services on standard terms (including credit terms) should be regularly having a legal health check of their terms and their practices for ensuring the terms they are using accurately reflect their business practices, meet all of their requirements and cover off their key risks – as well as ensuring they are appropriately brought to the attention of customers or clients so that they are valid, enforceable or binding.
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Setting Aside a Statutory Demand: Get Service Right or Face the Consequences

Setting Aside a Statutory Demand: Get Service Right or Face the Consequences

They say you shouldn’t break up with your boyfriend or girlfriend via text…but why not? In the case of Templeton UQ Limited v Watts & Hughes Limited, Templeton's application was served via email, a method not permitted under the Companies Act 1993. As a result, the application was struck out, demonstrating the critical importance of following prescribed service methods. These are both examples of when you fail to communicate appropriately, things don’t go well!
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