Beyond Paper: the Power of Implied Agreements
Friday, April 26, 2024
In business, contracts are the backbone of agreements, ensuring clarity and accountability. But what happens when a contract isn't written down? The case of Kingsbeer Transport Ltd v Martin Brower New Zealand sheds light on this question, revealing important insights for business owners.
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Holding Overseas Manufacturers Accountable
Friday, April 12, 2024
This article explores a legal case heard by the New Zealand Court of Appeal, specifically regarding a dispute involving the supply of a building cladding product. The case involved two building owners who initiated legal proceedings against the German-based manufacturer and New Zealand-based distributors. The building owners alleged that the product was faulty and posed risks to their buildings, leading to potential loss and expense.
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Empowering passengers: Exploring consumer rights regarding late departures in transportation services
Wednesday, December 13, 2023
In an age where time is of the essence and personal schedules are tightly packed, the reliability of transportation services is paramount. Late departures by trains, buses, flights, and other means of transportation have become a common concern for consumers around the world. The rights of consumers when faced with tardy departures are not to be taken lightly.
Read more![The Exercise of Contractual Discretion]()
The Exercise of Contractual Discretion
Thursday, August 17, 2023
Woolley v Fonterra Co-Operative Group Ltd: The Exercise of Contractual DiscretionOn 29 June 2023, the New Zealand Court of Appeal delivered its judgment in the case of Woolley v Fonterra Co-Operative Group Ltd [2023] NZCA 266. In its judgment, the Court considered the approach to the exercise of contractual discretion in New Zealand, including the test adopted by the United Kingdom Supreme Court in Braganza v BP Shipping Ltd [2015] UKSC 17, [2015] 1 WLR 1661. A summary of the key facts of the matter and important points in the Court's decision follow.
Read more![Potential Changes Ahead to Sexual Harassment Claims and Restraints of Trade]()
Potential Changes Ahead to Sexual Harassment Claims and Restraints of Trade
Thursday, February 9, 2023
As well as potential changes to the Holidays Act, see last year's article Changes on the way for the Holidays Act, there are potential changes on the horizon in relation to sexual harassment claims and restraint of trade provisions. We have outlined the details below.
Read more![The bells are ringing, it's nearly Christmas - managing annual leave over the Christmas period]()
The bells are ringing, it's nearly Christmas - managing annual leave over the Christmas period
Thursday, December 1, 2022
The countdown to Christmas is on. Many workplaces in New Zealand are planning their annual closedown over the Christmas period. This will likely mean that many employers are attempting to navigate the complexities of the Holidays Act 2003. We have set out to answer some frequently asked questions during this time of the year.
Read more![The Privacy Act 2020 - Privacy Principle One]()
The Privacy Act 2020 - Privacy Principle One
Monday, December 6, 2021
The Privacy Act 2020 ("new Act") came into force in 2020, replacing the Privacy Act 1993. The purpose of the new Act was to overhaul New Zealand's existing privacy of personal information regulatory framework and bring it into line with internationally recognised privacy obligations and standards. Section 22 of the new Act sets out 13 information privacy principles ("Privacy Principles"). In this article, we focus on new developments in relation to Privacy Principle 1 ("PP1"), which addresses the purpose of collection of personal information.
Read more![Debt Recovery and Enforcement]()
Debt Recovery and Enforcement
Thursday, December 2, 2021
This article serves to inform the procedural and legal methods and issues related to debt recovery.
Read more![Credit Contracts and Consumer Finance Act - Prescribed Suitability and Affordability Assessments for Consumer Credit Contracts - Is Your Business Ready?]()
Credit Contracts and Consumer Finance Act - Prescribed Suitability and Affordability Assessments for Consumer Credit Contracts - Is Your Business Ready?
Thursday, October 28, 2021
On 1 October 2021, the long anticipated Credit Contracts and Consumer Finance (Lender Inquiries into Suitability and Affordability) Amendment Regulations 2020 ("Regulations") came into effect after being passed into law by the Government in November last year. The changes are well-intentioned, with the purpose being to tackle high-cost consumer loans and minimise borrower hardship that had been well documented in recent Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment inquiries into mobile trading. However, like all regulation, there is a trade-off, and these highly prescribed regulations place a significant compliance burden on responsible lenders, particularly small and medium enterprises.
Read more![NZS3910:2013 Covid-19 Conditions]()
NZS3910:2013 Covid-19 Conditions
Tuesday, October 12, 2021
The Principal, the Contractor and the Engineer had to navigate through the general and specific conditions of their NZS3910:2013 contracts in regards to variations, extensions of time and payment claims for the Covid-19 lockdown period.
Read more![Are You Sure You Want To Give That Warranty?]()
Are You Sure You Want To Give That Warranty?
Tuesday, September 7, 2021
When you are selling a property it is common to list the 'Chattels' which you are to be selling with the building. Chattels are items which are able to be removed from a property without too much effort, and which were never intended to permanently form part of the structure. Common examples are an oven, paintings or a fridge. Occasionally they can be large eg a spa pool or garden shed. If it can fit on a truck, it may well be a chattel.
Read more![Recovering Money During Lockdown in the Construction Industry]()
Recovering Money During Lockdown in the Construction Industry
Thursday, September 2, 2021
Many in the construction industry will be feeling frustrated at the latest lockdown slowing down projects and progress. Fortunately, not everything has to be put on pause. The Construction Contracts Act 2002 ("CCA") provides ways to recover money during lockdown.
Read more![The Construction Contracts (Retention Money) Amendment Bill - Open for Public Submission]()
The Construction Contracts (Retention Money) Amendment Bill - Open for Public Submission
Tuesday, June 15, 2021
The Government is once again looking to impose further statutory controls over how contractors are to handle and protect retention moneys owed to its sub-contractors - this time with civil monetary penalties facing the construction companies and their directors for non-compliance.
Read more![Rocket Lab Ordered to Pay $97,000.00 to an Employee]()
Rocket Lab Ordered to Pay $97,000.00 to an Employee
Thursday, June 3, 2021
This week the Employment Relations Authority ordered Rocket Lab Limited ("Rocket Lab") to pay $97,000.00 to an employee for an unjustified dismissal. Mr Owen was employed by Rocket Lab in January 2018 as a Vehicle Test Manager. Rocket Lab did not give Mr Owen an induction, he was essentially expected to 'get on with it'.
Read more![Changes on the way for the Holidays Act]()
Changes on the way for the Holidays Act
Tuesday, March 23, 2021
Employers and employees alike have long been grappling with the Holidays Act 2003 ("Act") due to its complexity. Difficulties with compliance has resulted in employees receiving incorrect payments, being unaware of their statutory entitlements and employers owing significant amounts of historical underpayments. It is no surprise the Labour Government's announcement to review the Act was welcomed by many.
Read more![Brougham v Regan - The Requirements for a Valid Contract of Guarantee]()
Brougham v Regan - The Requirements for a Valid Contract of Guarantee
Friday, February 12, 2021
On 30 October 2020 the Supreme Court delivered a landmark judgment in the context of contracts of guarantee in the case of Brougham v Regan [2020] NZSC 118. A summary of the key facts of the matter and important points in the Court's decision follow.
Read more![Can you Require or Encourage an Employee to take the Covid-19 Vaccine?]()
Can you Require or Encourage an Employee to take the Covid-19 Vaccine?
Friday, February 12, 2021
Recently there have been a number of announcements by large employers overseas making the Covid-19 vaccine mandatory for customers and or employees. However, in New Zealand the Ministry of Health has confirmed that it will not be making the Covid-19 vaccination mandatory for New Zealanders. Given the current climate, employers in New Zealand are considering their options, including whether to make the vaccination mandatory in the workplace or even if they can encourage their employees to have the vaccine.
Read more![Casual or Fixed Term?]()
Casual or Fixed Term?
Wednesday, November 18, 2020
2020 has been a year of upheaval for employers. Now many employers are looking for different ways to employ staff where their requirements have changed.
Read more![Implications for Incentive Payments/Bonuses]()
Implications for Incentive Payments/Bonuses
Monday, September 14, 2020
The Employment Court decision has significant implications for employers in respect of target-based incentive payments, and holiday pay entitlements over annual closedown periods. The Labour Inspectorate and Metropolitan Glass jointly filed proceedings in the Employment Court as they were unable to agree on holiday pay calculations (Metropolitan Glass and Glazing Limited v Labour Inspector, Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment [2020] NZEmpC 39).
Read more![What is the Difference Between Assignment and Novation?]()
What is the Difference Between Assignment and Novation?
Tuesday, June 30, 2020
Assignment of contracts is a fairly common practice in the business world. In an assignment, the person assigning the contract - the "Assignor" - assigns the benefits of the contract the Assignor holds to a new person (the "Assignee") who takes the benefit of that contract "the Assignee". Some contracts may expressly prohibit assignment and some contracts provide that a contract may not be assigned without the consent of the other party. If a contract has no provision relating to assignment, then the general rule is that it may be assigned, with a few exceptions.
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