Exceptions to equal sharing of relationship property

Exceptions to equal sharing of relationship property

Upon separation, it's usually assumed that relationship property will be divided equally unless there's a prenuptial or premarital agreement. However, if there are special circumstances where equal division isn't fair, the court might order a different division to ensure fairness and justice.
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Maintenance after the end of a relationship

Maintenance after the end of a relationship

After separation, one partner may need financial support while they transition to becoming financially independent. Spousal maintenance is separate from child support payments as its focus is on supporting an adult party rather than supporting any children. If a party has made an application for spousal maintenance, they can apply to receive interim maintenance urgently from the other party, to assist them financially in the interim while the final spousal maintenance proceedings are being settled.
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Enforcing a Nikah (an Islamic marriage contract)

Enforcing a Nikah (an Islamic marriage contract)

If you and your partner intend to enter into a nikah, it is important to consult with a lawyer to advise you of the possible effects and implications of that agreement and your property rights should you and your partner separate. If you and your partner have already separated and you have entered into a nikah, a lawyer can also advise you on what that means for your relationship property entitlements.
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The importance of Prenuptial Agreements has increased

The importance of Prenuptial Agreements has increased

Protecting assets has become an integral aspect of modern relationships, with the growing importance of prenuptial agreements for safeguarding individual interests. In June 2023, the New Zealand Supreme Court issued a significant ruling in the case of Sutton v Bell, which centered on Sections 44 and 26 of the Property (Relationships) Act 1976 ("PRA"). This decision marks a pivotal shift in the interpretation of key legal provisions governing property rights in relationships.
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How may relationship property be divided when a spouse or partner dies?

How may relationship property be divided when a spouse or partner dies?

The death of a spouse or partner is an emotional and challenging time for the one left behind. Often left with the overwhelming task of handling the Deceased's estate, the surviving spouse or partner will be unaware of their entitlement under the Property (Relationships) Act 1976 (the "PRA"). Many will opt to taking under the Will, not knowing they also have the alternative option of applying under the PRA for a division of relationship property.
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