The New Draft Trusts Bill and its Suggested Disclosure Rules - How Could This Affect You?
March 16, 2017
A new Trusts Bill has recently been released for public consultation. This bill updates and changes various aspects of trust law. One interesting proposed change is the rights beneficiaries have to trust information. The most recent judicial case involving beneficiaries and trust information is Erceg v Erceg [2017] NZSC 28. The Supreme Court did not find that there was a presumption for or against disclosure of trust documents, but that there is an "expectation that basic trust information will be disclosed to a close beneficiary who wants it". The Supreme Court's analysis did differ from the lower Courts. The Supreme Court listed certain factors to take into consideration when courts receive a request for disclosure.
Read moreDispelling Some Of The Myths About Property Division On Separation
August 25, 2011
Most people who have been through a separation would agree that it is a difficult and stressful time. This can be exacerbated when there is confusion or misunderstanding about what property is classed as relationship property and what property is classed as separate property. The Property (Relationships) Act 1976 (“the Act”) provides a code for how property is to be divided on separation for couples who are married, in a civil union partnership or de facto/same sex relationship.
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